So, what is it?

On friday, the day did not begin on the right note. Reached school early at 7.58am tho lessons officially commence at 8.45am. Since I was feeling tired due to the only 4 hours of rest , I decided to sleep awhile before concentrating for my lessons. When I was entering my sleep, one of my classmates just had to enter the classroom with a big bang. I was fucking annoyed and almost reprimanded him but i refrained from doing so. However, the frustration was still lingering and it seemed to build up within me as he can't cease blabbering. In order not to lay my fist on him, I reminded myself to relax and went to the toilet to vent my frustrations. When I went back to class, I was feeling better but I guess my fist became the victim. Lesson was theorized and it was my cup of tea. To summarize my learning, it's about lung testing and the different equipments used. Tried my school's gym equipment for the calf and other parts. It was pretty interesting as how those individual equipments can help strenghten different parts of the body. Maybe, I'll consider switching from public to school gym as it is free anyway. As I was sadly off form, we played bball for awhile and then headed home.
Yesterday night, I had a terrible stomachache. I guess it's the effect of my allergic to papaya. As usual, I did not eat any medicine including the pill George gave me since dunno when because I've a disgust for medicines of any form except syrup. Anyway, it's been digested and I'm feeling well already.
I have just finished my Professional Profiling (PP) poster and the last step of it is my presentation due on 3rd Oct, Wednesday. Although it's 4 days to the end of my PP, I am yet to be mentally ready. As RP's teaching relies mainly on PBL which meant that students have to present as a group daily to demonstrate their understanding, it's so easy to rely on your team mates to answer the questions posted. Hence, I am so used to that and wondering what type of questions will the panel of judges ask me as it will be an individual presentation. Perhaps, I should stop worrying as it can't aid my problems at all. When the time comes, I'll learn how to cope and overcome it.
Just some thoughts..
How do you actually define hypocrisy?
Is it simply a form of insincere talk, for instance mingling with that person and then speaking ill of him the next minute.
What happens when some moral teachings come to task.
So, is it still hypocrisy at fault?
what would happen?
Today I had an unforgettable breakfast.Vegetable (Cabbage + Spinach + Potato + lots of tomatoes+ Curry) prataIt was a special order.Thanks to George and Wan Ping.Frankly Speaking, It was difficult to swollow.So, I wasn't angry or pissed off when I din reply you, George.I was simply concentrating in swollowing itI had to finish eating because it was their treat.And I din eat lunch cos the taste was still lingering in my taste buds.Aiya..I had my Ice Blended Mocha also lunch, We did stunt on Michelle.Bought a tuna sandwich and plain waffle.Scrap off the tuna and spread it on the plain waffle.Thus, it became..Tuna Waffle Sandwich and tuna sandwich w/o tuna. Another weird combination of foods.After which I bought her 1 litre of "No sugar Added" orange juice with a thin straw and 2 cups.hahaha.It was hilarious.After school,Went KFC with Hsi Yin and her friends.That somehow became my dinner because I was so tired that once I sat on "The Rock"'s comfy chair, I fell alseep.
Just a thought..
What would happen if I would just vanish from this earth?Would my friends miss me or will it be just another "oh, she's gone".Damn..At the time like this..Emo-ness should just be locked up somewhereIt better not come near me..Or else..Why can't I sleep?
蔡旻佑 - 我想要说

看着右手 被撕裂的伤口
而我左手 按下号码之后
那酋属于我 的歌不再播送
对白怎么说 表情才不难过
整夜的风 冷得我手颤抖
熟悉路口 再一次的路过
等在那角落 的人已不是我
对白怎么说 表情才不难过
I've alot of questions floating in my brain.Is it ethical ?Is it right or wrong to do soOr there's nth right or wrong.I've tried weighing the consequences..But it seems futile.I'm still left hanging on the fence.
Nevermind about that..What matters is that today,We went to celebrate Wan Ping's birthday.I really enjoyed myself From the baking of cake, To buying of big elmo balloon,Designing of birthday card.And lastly, celebrating at Marche.Whenever there's E44B cliques,There'll be fun and laughter.I'm super beat now.In need of sleepGoodnight!:D
kns! zz
Disappointed.Hugely disappointed.How I wish that this semester will be over in a blink of an eye..As if tmr's the last day.But it's all my wishful thinking on my part. As I've yet to present my PP,Complete my CE points.And lastly, succuessfully finish my FYP.
I can't put in words what's troubling me now.All I know is that I need to vent it out.Whatever that is happening..It's super sickening!History always repeat itself.Still, I have to face it with a smile.I know it's damn hypocrite of me..But I have no choice..Begger's aren't choosers.In order to survive in this...:C
Calories Burnt

As calculated, 130lbs = 59kg.
This is the summary of my first lesson of Sports and Exercise Nutrition.
So far, it's pretty interesting.
Fac said this module is the most difficult compared to other SHL (School of Health and Leisure) modules.
Since the start of this lesson, I've been counting my calaries intake
Skinless chicken rice is still fattening.
What more a packet of duck rice for dinner.
okay! I shall stop the conscious-eating thing.
All of a sudden
I miss PE lessons, swimming and bball.
Time for presentation..
A great buffet dinner
Yesterday was FYP day..My team mates were late as usualSo left Roy and I to do the FYP poster.We managed to complete it within 1 hr.The process was hilarious yet fulfilling.haha.
After my FYP,
Went to meet Wan Ping, Hsi Yin and Michelle at Marina Square
For Yaki Buffet.
There were salmon slices!!
My favourite.
Besides that,
There were unagi sushi, prawn sushi, etc
Wan Ping ate a mountainful of bbq prawns.
As usual, Michelle did stunt.
She hid a bowl of bee hoon behind the tissue dispenser.
Poke the lady finger in pieces
So as not to get fine by the wastage of food.
$5.oo for 100g of wastage.
I presume that a day without stunt,
She'll feel uncomfortable.
Missing those days.

E44B celebrated my birthday today.
They got me 5 gigantic balloons.
It was shockingly beautiful
Why shocking?
Because Hsi Yin and Avan told me to close my eyes.
While Wan Ping and Bennett brought the balloons into Cafe Cartel.
Dear, Wan Ping, Bennett, Hsi Yin, Marlene and Avan..
Thanks alot !!
Before meeting Wan Ping and the rest,
Hsi Yin and I went to watch Ratatouille and Evan Almighty.
It wasn't as nice as expected
I dozed off the beginning of Evan Almighty.
Yesterday was one of my dearest cousins's 21st birthday.
So, her sis and I went to do the decoration for her chalet.
Had some bruise on my fingers while trying to tie the balloons.
I din know tying balloons were that difficult.
Seems like these two days was "balloon-y" for me.
The birthday gal requested that I should accompany her to drink
Though Tiger wasn't my cup of beer
I drank 4 or 5 cans of it.
Now my stomach still feels bloated.
While drinking, we chatted about personal stuff as usual.
It felt very comforting
It was ages since we last had a heartfelt conversation.
Somehow, I missed ytd's conversion.
Class allocation came out today.
Damn sucks.
How to get through the 16 weeks.
No doubt it'll be quite fun
Dear, george and Marlene will be in the same class.
There's FYP tmr.
How to survive through ?
Wonderful Birthday! :D
First of all,I would like to thank George for his kimchi and peach Barcadi.Though it's hot and sour like nth else in this world.Btw, Cheer up my friend!Play bball soon!RAWR! Went to meet my dad after his meeting in the afternoon.My parents and I decided to eat laksa at century square.Dad specially made his way down despite his busy schedule.I felt super blessed and fortunate to be able to spend my birthday with them.Thank God for them!:)We went to hunt for my hp.I settled for E65.Dad sponsored.The sales person's service at TM's singtel was superb.Should reward her GEMS or smth.It's a nice phone.I'm still exploring my kimchi meal at the pineapple playground,I tested its WLAN.It was alright.An eye opener.There's room for improvement though.haha.Anyway,Thanks Hsi Yin, Wan Ping, Bennett, George, KY, Ling, Denise, Norbel, Julia, Marlene, Michelle, Tryphena, Xin Yan and those whom I missed out.Thanks alot for your wishes and prezzies.Thanks so much!!You've made my 20th birthday wonderful!:D
10 strange things about me.
okay.. there's this peculiar game going on.Instructions: Each player of this game starts off with TEN weird habits or little known things about yourself.People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own TEN weird or little known facts about yourself as well as state this rules clearly.
At the end, you must choose 6 people to tag and list their names.Since I've been tagged by bel, I shall comply to it.(1) Every piece of outside clothes have to be ironed. It must be ironed with no crease seen (at the point of iron) and it must be to my satisfaction no matter how many times I ironed it. That is why I ironed my own stuff since secondary school.. and my family clothes during the eve of CNY.(2) It's a habit of mine to shower everytime I leave the house, 2-3 times a day.. even when I leave house just for gym/swimming or I just bath when I woke up. Yes, it's indeed weird cos I will still end up stinky half an hour later. It's just.. like i said.. a habit. :D(3) I love long alone bus rides especially at night because that's where I sort out my thinking and self-reflection. Of cos, it's the best time to sleep after a tired day due to the long duration to my destination. (4) I've this perspective that tomatoes are good for injuries. Please don't ask where I instilled that mentality because it just came out of the blue.. even I don't have the answer.(5) I loathe medicine and panadols because one pill of panadol will be in your kidney/liver for 5 years and I've experienced an overdose of panadols. It sucks tremendously. You may say I've a phobia for panadols but I think it doesn't aid in relieving my pain at all. So, I only consume strepsils for sorethroat and the rest, live it to my immune system to heal naturally. (6) I hate driving.. except boats.. that's why I haven register for my BTT up till today. I'm still pondering whether to go for the sake of craft license. I wanna jet ski ! (7) With injury, I still do sports, eg bball. You might think that I'm stubborn or living in self-denial but it's simply the passion that keeps me going. (8) I can't stand still and tend to fidget alot because I don't like waiting, especially for buses and transport. I find it a bore to kip still except in buses/trains. When I can't fidget, my next alternative would be stoning.(9) Without coffee and fruits for a day, I'll feel that something is missing. So, it's exceptionally normal if you see me drinking coffee during dinner or meet up 9+pm at coffee bean.. just for a cup of coffee. I don't like milk in my traditional coffee at kopithiams but I don't mind drinking latte (espresso with milk) at coffee bean. (10) Although I have mc donald's opposite my house, I love going to the airport in the morning just to have breakfast and I always go home feeling satisfied, contented and delighted. * ling, wp, bennett, hsi yin, julia, eva. it's your turn ! :D *
Today's a rather stressful yet pleasing day.Arrived work with Jay Chou songs blasting to my ears.I was filled with joy.His celebrated and soothing songs such as "An Jing", "Xin Yu", "Ye Qu", "eh eh ha hee" were played on air.However, good things don't last long.While I was enjoying my music,it was time to promote the items again.So, it was back to hearing the same old slogan which I've been BEARING for 4 days."Closing down sale, Left 4 sets at $199"zzzzFinally,The Comex IT fair has ended.It's the end of my torturous 9hrs+ stand a day!:DAfter work, We went to meet Wan Ping for dinner/supper at HK cafe.The companion and food was definitely great.But the Turkey w/egg sandwich tasted weird.I had lots of fun going out with them.There was a scenario when we were booking cab.So, Wan Ping wanted michelle to help her listen to the pre recorded pick up destination.However, She changed her mind immediately and said:" I think don't want lar.. your english so lousy..I scared you don't understand"Then, she handed the phone to Marlene. We started laughing as wp's expression was super hilarious and realistic. HAHAHA!ps:wp, thousand apologies for making you wait very long for us to finish worksorry!! And thanks alot for waiting!:D
A day with two parts.
There were two parts today.Part 1: Went to work at Suntec.Stood for 9 hours+ Thus, my old knee injury started to hurt again.It's sickening and infuriating.Especially when I've been hit by the flu virus too.I felt lethargic.I miss bball.
zzzPart 2:After work,We went to meet Wan Ping.Our spirits were lifted and there were laughter filled the place.Mysterically,I was overwhelmed with energy when I was at Carl's Junoir with them.It could be the overdose of tomatoes.haha.Seriously,I love their company.So, my day ended well.:D